Dobergaarden follow FCI standards
At Dobergaarden we follow the international Dobermann breeding standards (FCI), which is the written description of the Dobermann’s ideal physical and temperamental characteristics.
The FCI breed standard describes details such as coat length, color, height, and weight as well as important details such as physique, eye shape, and gait.
The characteristics outlined in the Dobermann breed standard ensure that a purebred dog is kept true to its roots – including that it remains able to perform its original job, regardless of whether it is as an IGP working dog, hunting/tracking work, elimination of pests, guard work or more.
If you buy a dog from Dobergaarden, you can be assured that it is bred with a strong focus on its’ health and temperament. At the same time, we have sought to breed it so that its appearance is as close to the international ideal as possible. We have many exceptional dogs, including several IDC winners, and it is with great care and consideration that we have chosen who we breed them with to create extraordinary, future litters. Dobergaarden dogs are sold worldwide, everywhere from China, to America, to Germany, and much more. They are as often family dogs, as they are used in work, in dog shows, in fashion photoshoots, and film.
As part of the process of finding the right dog, we are very willing to work with you on this. It is important to find the perfect, future match for you, and this depends in part on what you want in, and from, your dog; do you want a good-natured family dog, an exceptional working dog, or perhaps a beautiful future show winner?
+45 22 66 11 19
CVR Number:
DK 32 98 84 23
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Contact us
Do you have any questions, wish to buy a dog from Dobergaarden, or anything else? Then you are always welcome to contact us below: